Recruiting Resources


SKU: woo-binder-recruiting Category:


Why select the best talent to help drive your Practice’s strategic goals? And once you have hired the best, how do you on-board them to leverage their talent for greater — and measurable — impact on key financial and client services outcomes? To drive performance and create sustainable success, a Practice needs to integrate the recruitment process, job-fit/organization-fit analysis and performance management processes with its business strategies. How do you create your employer brand with a compelling value proposition for employees and a communication strategy to share this proposition? You start communicating these things in the way that you hire. The VBA Recruiting Resources is filled with forms and templates for the recruiting process, including how to:

  • Develop job descriptions
  • Post openings online
  • Verify references
  • Perform background checks

We also include samples of:

  • Job applications
  • Interview questions
  • Skills testing
  • Letters to send to applicants you do not hire


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