Performance Management Resources


SKU: woo-binder-performance Category:


A Performance Management Program (PMP) should align the organizational needs and compensation/incentive opportunities with the Practice’s strategic business plan. An effective PMP emphasizes that clear and frequent communications about performance is the key to maximizing productivity, employee satisfaction and employee development. Employees have a strong need for a clear sense of direction, knowledge of how they are doing, a supportive environment in which they can reach their goals and recognition for achievement. When these are met, high levels of motivation, growth and results occur both for individuals and for the Practice. A PMP is a joint, year-round effort in which the supervisor/manager and employee engage in continuous feedback dialogue to strengthen performance, achieve goals in support of the Practice’s mission and accomplish employee’s development plans. In order to assist practices with their Program’s VBA has created the Performance Management Resource which offers in-depth information about:

  • Job descriptions
  • SWOT analysis
  • Setting SMART goals
  • Performance appraisals
  • Self-evaluation templates
  • How to discipline – including sample write-up forms and memos
  • Termination – including cobra forms and exit interviews
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