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Optimizing Millennial Success
Millennials are on track to be the most educated group of people entering the workforce in history. They have been defined as “ambitious high-achievers” and, as such, it was speculated that employers would appreciate these hard workers entering the workforce. However,...
Key Factors to Consider in Appraisals and Assessing Practice Value
Written By:David McCormick, MS Simmons Mid-Atlantic & Great Lakes Stephanie McGinness, DVM Candidate, 2012 What are the key factors you should consider when assessing practice value? Profitability and appraisals are both important parts of the process and the...
14 Issues Your Veterinary Practice Partnership Documents Should (Have) Address(ed)
What happens when you die? Will your heirs receive a fair price, or any price for your investment in the practice? Will they remain locked into that investment forever? Will your heirs collect profits from the practice? What if the other partner (who is getting paid...
Practice Entity-Which Organization Is Best For You and Why it Matters
Choosing the correct structure for your veterinary practice is an important decision with consequences reaching far into the future. Selecting your practice structure is definitely not a “do it yourself” project. Substantial tax, legal and accounting expertise is...
Hiring Teens: Pros and Cons and How to Find the Best Hires
According to, the percentage of youth that have jobs is on the upswing, but it’s still not as high as it was in 2006, before the Great Recession hit in December 2007. When that recession occurred, teenagers took a significant portion of the brunt of...
Anatomy of Negotiation: Talking to Corporate Consolidators
Everyone becomes involved in a negotiation at some point in their career, whether or not they initiate it. A negotiation is a process in which two or more parties attempt to resolve differing needs and interests through a series of communications. It is a fact of...
Veterinary Nurse Versus Technician: the Pros and the Cons
The Veterinary technician profession has been subjected to variability since birth. Today, it faces a new, and hopefully positive, change with discussions about modifying the profession’s title to “veterinary nurse”. A movement lead by the National Association for...
Modern Mentoring: How Mentoring Has Evolved and 7 Keys to a Good Program
Originally Published in Today’s Veterinary Business October 2018 Although mentoring is not a new concept in the workplace, modern partnerships are not necessarily like those in the past. According to HR Magazine, formal mentoring relationships in previous eras would...
Transitioning Your Team, Post-Sale
Whether an owner is transitioning a practice to an associate, colleague or corporate entity, the process of onboarding can be complex. This article intends to outline the medical, financial and staff transition steps to follow, post-sale, along with the challenges...
Effective Change Management Strategies
Originally Published in Today's Veterinary Business, August 2018 Although plenty of businesses talk about change, and although many of them devote significant time to change management, too many efforts are still failing. An article in HR Magazine titled “Why Change...
Guilty Until Proven Innocent-What If You Are Falsely Accused of Sexual Harassment?
It is a lively Friday afternoon. As usual, just an hour from close, two separate frantic clients call into your practice: one, of a dog that has been vomiting hourly since yesterday morning, and two, of a suspected blocked cat. The cat arrives first, and you and your...
The Growth Of Cannabis Derivatives Used as Therapeutic Options in Veterinary Medicine
Updated December 2018 Cannabis products in the veterinary industry have become a hot topic in the media lately and little is known about the products on the market, including their safety or efficacy. Here we will explore how cannabis products have gained popularity,...