Negotiating a Commercial Lease

If you need to sign a lease for your veterinary practice’s location, here are a few tips to help you to successfully negotiate a commercial lease. Examine the Premises Carefully This includes the HVAC, plus electrical and plumbing systems, although even careful due...

Mysteries of Fair Compensation©

It would be so simple if practice owners could open a fortune cookie for each one of their employees and find the method by which to fairly compensate them.  While there are commonly accepted methods of compensation, their implementation in veterinary practices varies...

Planning a Stress-Free Road to Retirement©

Succession planning. Two words when placed together make your heart race in light of the decades spent building this hospital from the ground. Who am I going to sell to? How am I going to sell? What do I value my practice at? When is a good time to sell? These...

Workplace Bullying©

According to Bullying and Aggression in the Veterinary Profession, workplace bullying is common in medical fields, which includes veterinary practices. The author defines bulling as “any type of repetitive verbal or physical abuse that involves some type of power...

Benefits of Sharing Profits with Employees

So, you’ve set up a sustainable veterinary practice. You have a solid staff, vendors, a well-equipped space, and clients that are trickling in. Now, what? How do you grow the stream of clients? How do you keep the ones you have coming back? We’ve already seen that...
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