
Bring in Veterinary Business Advisors to speak to your group Education to Enhance the Knowledge of Your Team Veterinary Business Advisors offers a variety of educational and speaking programs for individuals and teams to learn and grown. The VBA team, including...


Counsel for THE Veterinary PrOFESSION Maximize Business Opportunities From crafting a one-time contract to serving as your in-house counsel, Veterinary Business Advisors (VBA) is at your service for any level of guidance you need. We aim to ensure that your business...

Workplace Issues to Consider About The Internet

Three Workplace Issues to Consider About the Internet When you think about legal issues associated with the internet that can affect veterinary practices, you may think about telemedicine – and that is an excellent example, although not the only internet-based legal...

“How to Compete with Dr. Google”

Imagine a graduate of veterinary medical school who has recently accepted an associate position at the clinic of her dreams. She feels her career is finally beginning and is excited to be in the trenches with her patients. The next patient’s medical record is waiting...

Best Practices to Manage Common Risks in Your Practice

Risk mitigation is the process of embracing actions that increase opportunities for your practice, while reducing potential threats. To mitigate, you first need to become aware of risks that pose a threat, then evaluate their potential for harm, and then put policies...
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