Compensation Best Practices in 2020

It would be so simple if practice owners could open a fortune cookie for each one of their employees and find the method by which to fairly compensate them.  While there are commonly accepted methods of compensation, their implementation in veterinary practices...

Lawful Terminations: A How-to Guide

When deciding whether or not to terminate an employee, and weighing the pros and cons, you need to assess the costs and benefits of keeping this employee versus firing him or her. Consider the following: the nature of the behavior or performance issues involvedthe...

CBD Compliance: Smoke and Mirrors

CANNABINOID SYSTEM The 1960s were a time of unparalleled scientific discovery and social experimentation. It seems fitting, then, that in 1964 Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) was isolated and defined. Since then, significant progress had been made in the discovery and...
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