“How to Compete with Dr. Google”

Imagine a graduate of veterinary medical school who has recently accepted an associate position at the clinic of her dreams. She feels her career is finally beginning and is excited to be in the trenches with her patients. The next patient’s medical record is waiting...

Strategic Negotiation: Babies, Bosses, and Pregnancy Plans

Introduction In 2009, the American Veterinary Medical Association reported that females outnumbered male counterparts for the first time. In 2010, the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges shared that 78 percent of veterinarian students were female...

Do You Need A Practice Manager?

For decades, veterinary practices have been moving away from the single doctor practice model and towards larger, multi-doctor practices. With practice growth comes increases in the number of employees, clients, and patients; growth of the facilities; and, of course,...
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